GBO, a specialist company in corporate banking, provides valuable assistance in opening bank accounts with a credit institution to safeguard your EMI client’s funds.

  1. Additionally, we can help you establish accounts with correspondent banks to expand your banking options and services.
  2. Opening a bank account with a credit institution specifically designed for EMIs offers numerous advantages, from robust safeguarding of customer funds and enhanced compliance to access to a comprehensive suite of banking services and improved operational efficiency.

Contact Us For Bank Account Opening And Solutions For EMIs

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    Safeguarding Costumers Funds

    In order to properly safeguard customer funds, payment and e-money institutions operating in Europe must adhere to specific authorization requirements. These stipulations mandate that companies maintain proper mechanisms for safeguarding consumer funds. This can be achieved by either segregating customer funds from all other funds and placing them in a safeguarded account with an EEA-authorized credit institution or investing them in secure, low-risk assets; or by protecting the funds through an insurance policy or guarantee.


    Why must electronic money institutions save clients’ funds in a credit electronic?

    These safeguarding rules, which originate from the EU’s Payment Services Directives and Electronic Money Directives, apply to non-bank payment service providers in order to instill confidence in customers utilizing these services. The importance of these measures has grown alongside the expanding payment and e-money sector in Ireland and throughout Europe.

    In accordance with the Central Bank’s Consumer Protection Outlook, there will be a heightened focus on compliance with safeguarding requirements in the coming years. To effectively protect customer funds, European payment and e-money institutions should:

    1. Develop and implement comprehensive policies and procedures: Establish clear guidelines and processes concerning the safeguarding of customer funds, and review and update them regularly to ensure adherence to current regulations and industry best practices.
    2. Keep precise records: Maintain accurate documentation of all customer funds and implement a robust system to reconcile these records with the safeguarded accounts or assets.
    3. Conduct regular audits: Perform routine internal and external audits to assess the effectiveness of the safeguarding measures in place and pinpoint potential areas for enhancement


    Reasons why EMIs should open a bank account in a credit institution

    For a number of reasons, EMIs (Electronic Money Institutions) must open a bank account at a credit institution to safeguard their clients’ funds:

    Compliance with regulations, separating the funds of their clients from their own operational funds, Customer trust and confidence, EMIs can mitigate risks


    1. Compliance with regulations: EMIs must protect their customers’ funds in accordance with the Payment Services Directives and Electronic Money Directives of the European Union. Opening a bank account with a credit institution ensures that EMIs adhere to these regulations and maintain the necessary legal requirements.
    2. By opening a bank account at a credit institution, EMIs can separate the funds of their clients from their own operational funds. This ensures that customer funds are kept separate from the EMI’s own financial resources and are safeguarded in the event of financial difficulties or insolvency.
    3. Customer trust and confidence: The protection of customer funds is crucial for establishing customer trust and confidence in the EMI’s services. Customers are more likely to utilize the EMI’s services and recommend them if they believe their funds are held securely by a reputable financial institution.
    4. EMIs can mitigate risks associated with holding customer funds by opening a bank account with a credit institution. Credit institutions are governed and monitored to ensure that they have adequate safeguards in place to protect funds and preserve financial stability. This decreases the probability of losses due to fraud, poor management, or insolvency.
    5. Partnering with a credit institution typically grants EMIs access to a variety of banking services, including payment processing, multi-currency accounts, and international wire transfers. These services can assist EMIs in expanding their product offerings and enhancing their customer service.


    Correspondent banking for financial institutions

    Correspondent banking refers to the relationship between two financial institutions that provide a variety of services on each other’s behalf. Typically, one bank (the correspondent bank) provides services to another bank (the respondent bank), enabling the latter to access financial services in jurisdictions in which it has no physical presence. This relationship is especially advantageous for international transactions because it enables banks to conduct business and process transactions efficiently across borders.

    Among the services offered by correspondent banks:

    1. International wire transfers: Correspondent banks facilitate international money transfers between banks, ensuring a secure and efficient cross-border transfer of funds.
    2. Trade finance services: Correspondent banks facilitate international trade by providing services such as letters of credit, guarantees, and document collections.
    3. Clearing and settlement: On behalf of respondent banks, correspondent banks facilitate the clearing and settlement of payments, securities, and other transactions.
    4. Cash management services: Correspondent banks may offer cash management services, such as account management and cash pooling, to assist respondent banks in effectively managing their liquidity.
    5. Foreign exchange services: Correspondent banks can facilitate foreign exchange transactions and provide access to foreign currency accounts for respondent banks.
    6. Custodial services: Correspondent banks can serve as custodians for securities held by respondent banks, offering safekeeping and related services.
    7. Opening a correspondent banking relationship can be difficult because it requires a comprehensive process of due diligence. To ensure the integrity of the financial system, banks must comply with various regulatory requirements, such as anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) regulations. Therefore, correspondent banks evaluate prospective respondent banks thoroughly to assess their risk profile, compliance standards, and business nature.


    To open a correspondent bank account, a financial institution must:

    1. Identify a suitable correspondent bank that operates in the desired jurisdictions and meets the requirements.
    2. Inform the correspondent bank of your intention to establish a relationship.
    3. Provide the required documentation, such as financial statements, licenses, and information regarding the institution’s management and ownership.
    4. The correspondent bank will conduct a thorough due diligence process, which may include on-site visits, interviews, and assessments of the institution’s AML and KYC policies.
    5. Included in the terms and conditions of the correspondent banking relationship are fees, service levels, and reporting requirements.
    6. Given the complexity of the process and the regulatory scrutiny involved, establishing correspondent banking relationships can be difficult for smaller or less-established financial institutions. Nevertheless, it is possible to locate and open an account with a correspondent bank with the right preparation, documentation, and compliance program.


    How long can it take to open an account in a credit institution and in a correspondent?


    A few weeks to a few months

    The process of opening an account with a credit institution or a correspondent bank for an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) can be complicated and time-consuming. The timeframe for opening an account can vary based on a number of variables, including the type of account, regulatory requirements, and the effectiveness of the due diligence procedure.

    For an EMI, opening an account with a credit institution or correspondent bank can take between a few weeks and a few months. Here are some of the variables that influence the timeline:

    • Compliance and due diligence: EMIs are subject to stringent regulatory requirements, such as anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) measures. The credit institution or correspondent bank will conduct a comprehensive process of due diligence, which may involve a review of the EMI’s licenses, ownership structure, financial statements, and compliance policies. This can be a lengthy process, especially if the EMI operates in multiple jurisdictions or has a complex corporate structure.
    • Establishing an EMI account necessitates negotiating the terms and conditions of the banking relationship, such as fees, service levels, and reporting requirements. This negotiation process can be lengthy, especially if the EMI has specific requirements or needs customized services.
    • After the due diligence process is complete and the terms and conditions have been agreed upon, the credit institution or correspondent bank will set up the EMI account. This may necessitate the integration of the EMI’s systems with those of the credit institution or correspondent bank, a process that can consume additional time.
    • Regulatory approvals: Before an account can be opened, regulatory approvals may be required, depending on the jurisdiction and the type of account. This may necessitate submitting paperwork to regulatory authorities and awaiting their feedback, which can add time to the overall schedule.


    In conclusion, the process of opening an EMI account with a credit institution or a correspondent bank can be lengthy, taking anywhere from a few weeks to several months. The precise duration will depend on a number of variables, such as the EMI’s structural complexity, the effectiveness of the due diligence procedure, and the requirements of the credit institution or correspondent bank.

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