GBO provides an all-in-one solution for online casino software and gaming platforms


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  • Deep Understanding: We possess a thorough knowledge of key features and capabilities vital for a successful online casino.
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  • Strong Network: Our well-established network of contacts keeps us informed about new developments.
  • Client-Centric Solutions: We are dedicated to selecting the best solutions for our clients.

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    Estimated Costs for Setting Up an Online Gaming Business in a Turn -Key Model

    Expense Category Estimated Cost Description
    Licensing & Legal Fees $19,000 – $450,000 Fees for obtaining licenses and ensuring legal compliance, jurisdiction-specific. From Anjouan to UK
    Online Casino Software $0 – $150,000 Costs associated with acquiring online casino software and custom it. Depends on the model and revshre.
    Marketing & Advertising $100 – $200,000/month Expenses for SEO, PPC, social media, and other promotional activities.
    Website Development $0 – $50,000 Ranges from basic website setup to fully customized solutions. Can be done by the Software company, depending the package you take.
    Payment Solutions $1,000 – $5,000 setup Setup fees for merchant accounts and payment gateways.
    Hosting Services $100 – $1,400/month Costs for server hosting, varying by traffic volume.
    Security Measures $0 – $25,000 Investment in SSL, firewalls, and other cybersecurity measures, depends on the package of take from the software company.
    Affiliate Software $100 – $1,400/month Costs for maintaining affiliate tracking software.
    Miscellaneous $0 – $100,000 Additional expenses such as plugins, software updates, etc.
    • Excluding marketing and other non-essential components, the total estimated cost to set up a new online casino for the first year ranges from $66,800 to $799,200. The actual cost will depend on specific choices and requirements within each core expense category.
    • The total estimated cost to set up a new online casino for the first year ranges from $222,800 to $3,319,200. The actual cost will depend on specific choices and requirements within each expense category.

    The pricing model described fits both a online casino turnkey solution and a white label online casino solution for setting up an online casino. Here’s how it aligns with each:

    Turnkey Solution

    A turnkey solution refers to a complete package where the provider delivers everything needed to start and run an online casino. This includes licensing, game software, website development, payment solutions, security measures, marketing, and customer support. The provider handles all the setup and integration, allowing the operator to “turn the key” and start their business immediately.


    • Comprehensive setup and operational services
    • Full range of necessary components (licensing, software, payment, hosting, etc.)
    • Quick launch capability with minimal effort from the operator

    White Label Solution

    A white label solution allows the operator to brand and market a ready-made platform as their own. The core infrastructure and services are provided by the white label provider, but the branding and customer-facing aspects are customized to fit the operator’s brand.


    • Pre-built platform that can be branded by the operator
    • Includes essential services (game software, payment solutions, security, etc.)
    • Easier and faster setup compared to building from scratch

    Key Differences and Overlaps

    • Turnkey Solution: Typically includes more comprehensive services, often extending to ongoing support and maintenance.
    • White Label Solution: Focuses on providing a ready-made platform that can be rebranded, potentially with less ongoing support compared to turnkey.

    The cost structure described covers all necessary aspects, indicating that it can be applied to both turnkey and white label models. The choice between turnkey and white label depends on the level of control and customization desired by the operator, as well as the extent of ongoing support needed.

    The pricing structure of online casino software:

    The market for online casino software uses a complex pricing structure that is influenced by a wide range of operational and technical factors. For clarity, let’s break down the pricing structure with some example numbers.


    1. the online casino license charge
    Most reliable developers of software for online casinos demand an up-front licensing fee. The initial setup, integration, and a selection of games are typically included in this one-time fee that you pay to purchase the software.
    Cost ranges between $10,000 and $150,000, depending on the level of sophistication and brand recognition of the software.


    2. Regular Upkeep & Support
    Online casino Software providers typically charge a monthly maintenance fee following the initial setup. This includes technical support, bug fixes, software updates, and occasionally even the sporadic addition of new games.
    Cost range: $500 to $5,000 per month, depending on the level of assistance and services provided.


    3. Model of Revenue Sharing
    Some service providers operate on a revenue-sharing basis, whereby they take a cut of the monthly profits made by the online casino. As the upfront costs might be lower, this model can be advantageous for startups or those with limited initial capital. But over time, you might find yourself shelling out more money than with a fixed-fee model.
    The percentage ranges from 10% to 30% of monthly gross income.


    4. White Label Options
    White label online casino solutions are perfect for those who want to get started quickly without having to deal with numerous vendors or complicated issues. Here, you essentially rent an online casino that is up and running from a provider and begin using it under your own brand. Software, games, licenses, payment processing, and other issues are handled by the provider.
    Cost approximately: With a monthly fee or revenue share of roughly 15% to 40%, the initial setup costs can range from $25,000 to $60,000.


    5. Specialized Development
    Custom development may be the best option if you have particular requirements or want to create a distinctive platform. Here, the software is made specifically for you from scratch.
    Cost approximately: It can cost anywhere from $100,000 to $500,000 or more, depending on the complexity.


    6. Price of online gaming software Integration
    Even though many software packages include a selection of games, you might want to incorporate games from different developers. Each integration may have a different price tag.
    Cost ranges between $1,000 and $5,000 per game, depending on the developer and level of popularity.


    7. Added Qualities
    The price may increase if you include features like support for multiple languages and currencies, sophisticated security measures, or VR and AR games.
    Cost approximately: Depending on how complex the feature is, it can cost anywhere between $2,000 and $50,000.


    Is the payment gateway included in the online casino software?

    The software provider and the package or deal you choose will determine how a gambling payment gateway is integrated into the software used by online casinos:

    1. Bundled Solutions: A number of the best online casino software developers offer bundled solutions, which include integrated payment gateways in the software. With the help of these turnkey gambling solutions, casino operators can quickly launch their platforms without the need for additional integrations.
    2. Payment gateways are almost always included as part of the package in white-label casino platforms. These platforms are prepared for launch and have a variety of payment options to accommodate a worldwide clientele.
    3. Custom Solutions: If you choose to have your own casino software developed, the payment gateways that are included will depend on your needs. Depending on your target audience, you can decide whether to integrate a number of gateways or pick a particular one.
    4. Separate Integration: Operators may need to integrate payment gateways separately in some cases where online casino software does not already include them. Although it may lengthen the time to market and result in higher costs, this strategy offers more flexibility.

    If the payment gateway is included in the package, it is imperative to confirm this with the software provider. Additionally, make sure the integrated gateways support different payment options like bank transfers, e-wallets, cryptocurrency, and credit cards and are optimized for the regions you are targeting.


    Several conclusions can be drawn from the online casino software’s pricing structure:

    1. Diverse Entry Points: The licensing fees’ wide range, from $10,000 to $150,000, shows that there are options for different budgets, enabling both startups and established businesses to enter the market.
    2. Monthly maintenance fees serve as a reminder of how crucial ongoing industry support and updates are. Continuous investment is required to maintain, secure, and update the platform; it is not a one-time purchase.
    3. The revenue share model implies that some software providers are optimistic about the potential for their product to generate income. In order to align their success with that of the casino, they are prepared to reduce upfront costs in exchange for a cut of the profits.
    4. White Label Solutions for Quick Market Entry: The presence of white label solutions suggests a need for fast market entry options. It’s evidence of how competitive the market is and how important time-to-market can be.
    5. Demand for Customization: Despite its high cost, the possibility of custom development emphasizes the importance of distinctive and differentiating offerings in the online casino market.
    6. Different Game Integration Costs: The price of integrating different games emphasizes how important game variety is for drawing in and keeping players.
    7. Additional Features for Diverse Markets: Given the global nature of the online casino audience and the significance of meeting a variety of player needs, features like multi-language support and advanced security measures may incur additional costs.

    In conclusion, the pricing model depicts a dynamic, cutthroat industry where ongoing investment, both up front and ongoing, is required. Additionally, it highlights the importance of customization, adaptability, and an in-depth knowledge of the target audience.



    In conclusion, it is essential to comprehend the pricing structure of online casino software in order to make a wise choice. Depending on your needs, the reputation of the provider, and the business model you select, the costs may vary greatly. Prior to committing, always think about the pricing model’s short- and long-term effects.

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