European Banks in 2021

There have been few substantial changes in the comparative list of the European Banks. The most striking feature is the resilience of the larger banks. As well, there has not yet been a significant shift in the relative strengths of the UK banks when measured against the rest of Europe. Our analysis below is drawn from a number of different sources, and it gives, we believe, a particular view that many other publications may have missed.

The top 50 banks ranked by assets is shown in the table below, followed by our comments.

European Banks in 2021

One more table tells an interesting story. Although the list of banks above seems to cover a wide range of banking strength distributed across the whole of Europe, the next analysis shows that the overwhelming balance of the banking environment is slanted towards just five countries.

One half of the total assets across the whole continent is held by France, UK, Spain, Germany and Italy. Add to that list Netherlands and Switzerland, and fully three-quarters of the total is then held by just seven country’s banks.

Europeans banks by countries


1. Despite the anticipated upheaval of the banking scene in Europe that was supposed to follow Brexit, along with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the larger sectors of European banking have remained remarkably resilient.
2. There is still a strong emphasis on the major banks, which dominate the top-end of the banking sector
3. Right now, Brexit has had little effect overall.
4. The strength of the whole European banking sector makes it still the right place for new activity.


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